Sunday 22nd June 2014
The Motherhood workshop went well today. Many thanks to the wonderful mums who came, created and shared cake! We talked about some of the challenges becoming a mum brings; thinking about 'mindful parenting' and other ways to manage the moments of anxiety or frustration. Most agreed that sleep deprivation ranked fairly high in what was worst! We also celebrated the joys and achievements of mothering. Mandala collages, clay containers and a group sand tray were all created as part of the explorations.
The busy demands of looking after young babies or toddlers can often mean it's hard for us to make space to reflect on what being a Mother means… How has it changed me? What are my strengths and challenges? What did I learn about mothering from my own mum? How do I want to be?
We finished with each mum sharing their intention - a specific intent about how they want to be, as a mother - both towards their child and themselves. I was moved by the honesty and openness everyone brought, and the love we shared for our little ones.
Here are some comments: